Substance Use Treatment Program

Camino Real Community Services (CRCS) offers a sliding fee scale and accepts all patients regardless of ability to pay. Medicaid and other insurance may also be accepted.

Substance Use Treatment Program Information

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Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs
Commonly, co-occurring mental health disorders often preclude, accompany or occur due to a substance use disorder. This is also called a dual diagnosis.
Adult Outpatient Substance Use Treatment
The Adult Outpatient Substance Use Treatment Program provides services that facilitate recovery from substance use disorders to clients who do not require residential services to meet their treatment goals.
Treatment is delivered in a 16-week intensive outpatient program primarily in a structure group session targeting skills needed in early recover and for relapse prevention.
There is also a 12-week family and patient education group series.
Co-Occurring Psychiatric Substance Abuse Disorder (COPSD)
Substance use disorders are common among people with serious mental illnesses and put people at risk for many other problems. Many people with psychiatric symptoms choose to self-medicate to alleviate their pain and can develop addiction to drugs and alcohol. If both substance use and mental health illness co-occur, judgement is impaired and individuals are more vulnerable to unpredictable outcomes. COPSD is a team of Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselors (LCDC) who help individuals develop knowledge, hope, skills, and support needed to manage dual diagnosis.