Camino Real Provider Services

Intellectual and Developmental Disability Services offers a diverse system of care, interventions and supports that are individualized to enhance the quality of life for persons with Intellectual Disabilities. The services are developed and delivered around the individual's needs, goals and dreams, recognizing a lifestyle of inclusion, interdependence and respect. Camino Real offers programs designed to build supports based on an individual's needs. Services are funded by General Revenue, Medicaid Waiver Programs, 3rd party insurance, and co-pays based on a sliding scale fee.
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Services Include:


Employment Assistance assists the individual to locate paid employment in the community by helping him/her identify employment preferences, job skills, work requirements and prospective employers. The goal is to first match the person's skills with their desired career and then develop natural supports in the work environment. Supported Employment is employment in a natural setting with ongoing individualized support services consistent with the individual's Person Directed Plan. The service includes job coaching and training essential to sustaining employment.

Community Supports and Respite

Community Supports are individualized activities consistent with the Person Directed Plan, provided in the home and at community locations. This service provides support activities to improve or facilitate the ability to perform functional living skills and other daily living activities. It also includes support services to the family to help preserve the family unit and prevent or limit out-of-home placement. Respite is short-term relief services for the unpaid caregiver. Respite provides personal assistance in daily living activities, functional living tasks, and supervision for safety and security. This service includes social interaction, habilitation activities, participation in leisure activities and use of natural support and typical community services available to all people.

Day Habilitation

Day Habilitation services are provided to an individual to assist in acquiring, retaining, and improving self help skills, socialization and adaptive skills necessary to live and work in the community. Camino Real provides this service in a work center setting. Opportunities for earning wages exist to assist with the development of each person's work skills.

Nursing, Behavioral Supports and Special Therapies

Support services provided by licensed or certified professionals. Services provided to assist an individual to maintain good health in order to participate in age-appropriate community activities and services as recommended by the team.

Medicaid Waiver Service-HCS and TxHmL

The Home and Community Based Services (HCS) program offers a full array of services based on the needs of the person, including Day Habilitation, Supported Employment, Nursing, Supported Home Living, Behavioral Health Services, Special Therapies, Respite, Dental, Adaptive Aids, Minor Home Modification, and Residential Services. This program encourages personal choice and a maximum level of independence while using identified services and natural supports to achieve each person's goals. Texas Home Living Services (TxHmL) is a similar program except that the individual must reside in his/her natural home. Residential services are not available in this program. *There is an interest list for these services due to limited funding to meet the growing demands of these programs.